
New Hairstyles To Say YES!

New Hairstyles 2012

New hairstyles 2012 - Ended bun while loops in compiled or banana. Discover new hairstyles that take the top billing in 2012 and which one has only one desire: that is to say YES!

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Grace Kelly 2.0
What charms us: ultra smooth side, as Belle de Jour. And impeccable style from all angles ...
The proper method of use: for this hairstyle very graphic, isolating three parts. The first, from temple to temple, is returned to the back of the head before being tied in a bun bottom of dancer, ultra tight. The second and the third separate equally on each side of the skull, are reduced towards the rear. One is folded on one side and passed behind the ear to hide the neck, while the other, then the cover is in the same way before being fixed below. It is of course necessary that the result is as smooth and as flat as possible, without no hair sticking out. And for that, it works both strands of the creping border, and then smoothing the surface ultra-conscientious-brush.
With what dress I wear? a robe of white satin with boat neck. A bit like Charlene, yes.

new hairstyles for women, try new hairstyles, new hairstyles for 2012, need a new hairstyle, new hairstyles for long hair
image © l'OrĂ©al onto
In the dark arts ...
What charms us: the next draft of the false hair, which for once changed a bit of wedding hairstyles well licked and worked a little too ...
The correct instructions: Before you begin to structure the hairstyle, the crepe hair with a comb suitable for mounting "foam" and create a high volume level. It then returns the resulting mass on top of head, wrapping the base and securing it on the vertex. The rest of the hair is then crumpled to the finger and then mounted in sauerkraut before being pinned. On the front, we let a few wisps escape naturally.
The trick and more: the day before, we work at the hair ends to boost Babyliss wild appearance.
With what dress I wear? a skirt of lace and a satin top and romantic vintage look.

new hairstyles for women, try new hairstyles, new hairstyles for 2012, need a new hairstyle, new hairstyles for long hair
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A mat or nothing
What charms us:
the uniqueness of this false banana bun ... and really shifted.
The correct instructions: to work the material is first tease the hair before smoothing the finger (for a more natural side) and return them to the center of head. There are mat mass (or for the hair thinner, we opt for the option hairpiece) before securing with pins.
The trick in addition: the material should be absolutely sublime finishes with dry-especially not fat! - Such as hairspray, so that the result is nickel and the prettiest possible.
The detail that changes everything: the hair is braided by performing two mats (one small and one thicker in order to play on asymmetry and give more relief to all.
With what dress I wear? a Greek goddess-inspired dress. By focusing the blame on V, let the barest possible.

new hairstyles for women, try new hairstyles, new hairstyles for 2012, need a new hairstyle, new hairstyles for long hair
image © Mondadori onto
Double the bet!
What charms us: The spirit "mats perfect little girl" in a twisted mind in 2012.
The proper method of use: for this double mat mohair, tied to the Egyptian, it performs a central line and begins to weave in the ears. To be successful for sure these mats "spiky", divide the hair into two equal parts and then we catch a bit thin at the end of one of them back on before the other, passing over hair. It does the same on the other side, and so on, to the ends.
More bits will be fine, the result will be more successful. As a finishing touch, the braid is clamped in his fist, at the ends, and we go back in an upward jerk of the mat to break the side too rigid.
With what dress I wear? a streamlined dress and air, all chiffon.

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